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Digital Marketing Company: TopuTop

Toputop, one of the rising Internet Marketing company, offers you world-class digital marketing techniques for your online business. We, with the team of experts in digital marketing, aims to the success of your business. We take the time to introduce our fields of expertise.

We work for you

We initiate our work according to the client’s requirements. First of all, Your marketing goals are analyzed to give you the right service. Your goal may be gaining more popularity, increased traffic, high search engine ranking, sales improvement, maximize revenues, and any other. We analyze your needs to choose the right strategy.

We offer you digital marketing strategies like SEO, Pay per Click Management, E-mail marketing, Video Advertising and Optimization, Podcasting, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging Services, Link-Building, Social Media Marketing to promote your business faster. You can easily reach your customers and advertise yourself at affordable cost, and time. This makes you interact with your potentials to identify their need and interest. You can opt for various marketing techniques to promote your business for better results.

Management Bio

Kiran Voleti ( Internet Marketing Consultant )

Kiran Voleti founded Toputop with a strong determination to be the best service provider for online business entrepreneurs. Kiran is an Internet marketing consultant for the success of your online business.

We are specialized in SEO techniques, which are cost-effective and widely used by any company. SEO is a focused website promoting technology to optimize your site to be crawled by the search engines and appear on the first page of search results. In Search Engine Optimization, we employ SEO On-Page and Off-Page, SEO Keywords, SEO Analytics, SEO Links, SEO Copywriting, SEO Packages, and Link Building, etc., to cater to your needs. The strategic planning will give the best page ranking in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The focused SEO Places you in the top position in the search result page for your targeted keywords.

Our Social Media Marketing will expose your business to the number of potential customers using online social communities and groups. We make a brand of your own, promote your products, and services online through this promoting technique. We Create a positive buzz, through sharing the information, content, news, blogging, RSS feeds, etc., create Social Media profiles on myspace, Facebook, sign up in social bookmarking sites, monitor message boards, forums, and other groups. Social Media Marketing (SMM), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Monitoring, Digital Asset Optimization will connect you with your potentials.

Our Creativity will surely grab the attention of online visitors. The appealing web design will tend the visitors to stare at you with interest. The designs we create ensure the number of potential visitors to your website. The content of the site is also a crucial matter that works for you. The content of your website states your business object.

The unique content speaks about your uniqueness. Let your words tell you about you. Manage your content along with the changing trends. The content management system allows you to identify the keywords, ease in additions to update the information according to the changing viewer needs.

Our creative services, Web Design & Development, Content Management System, Content Writing, Online Advertising Material (Banner ads, Videos, Poster, and Skyscrapers), and Landing Page Design are employed to attract more visitors to your website.

Toputop churns out the better strategies for your business promotion. Our dedicated team of experts targets your potential customers and drives them towards you. Our methodology is to plan according to the client’s needs and carefully execute it to achieve tangible results in the fixed time frame for the commercial success of your business.


Toputop is a one-stop-shop for all your online marketing needs to analyze, research, content writing, web designing, creation of campaigns in search engines, content networks, etc.., optimization of campaigns, reporting, and track the results. TopuTop is not only an SEO Company. Our extensive list of internet marketing techniques and strategies will help you to reach your business goals online. We analyze your business and find out the suitable ways of advertising.

Our general steps for Online Advertising

  1. Industry analysis and Keyword research
  2. Keyword selection and Content writing
  3. Website structure and Code optimization
  4. Content Marketing and Strategy
  5. Custom reporting & Result tracking

Industry Analysis and Keyword Research

Toputop analyzes your business, Current industry trends, and will do competitor research. From our internet marketing strategies, we will find out various ways, which are suitable for your business. We will find out where our competitors are promoting their products. Depending on this, we will suggest you the ways you can advertise.

Keyword research plays a significant role in reaching targeted customers. We analyze the keywords in a wide range using different tools and then go deep with the profitable areas. Our keyword research techniques will help you in reaching targeted customers.

Keyword Selection and Content Writing

Keyword selection is the process after keyword research. We will finalize the list of keywords that directly hits our targeted customers and grouping them accordingly. We are going deep from the full range of keywords that are most profitable for our business.

Content writing is the most critical part and plays a vital role in search engine ranking. We will do a lot of brainstorm research for content writing that will help you to reach the preferred customers. Significantly, a visitor can easily understand and moves a step ahead of the content.

Website Structure and Code Optimization

Toputop can design professional, informative, smart, and well-structured web pages that can drive users to your website and make you get the most out of them. We analyze the market, trends, and decide the website structure accordingly.

Code optimization is an important task to optimize websites. We are placing all relevant Meta tags, title tags, tracking codes for search engines, and analytics, which will help you to attain your refined customers and track the performance accordingly.

Content Marketing & Strategy

We analyze your business and decide which platforms and search engines are beneficial for your business. We create and maintain your accounts through targeted keywords and ad copies in different Search engines, Content networks, and Shopping engines.

For the Organic listings, we prepare the articles related to your business and submit that into Directories, Articles, Forums, and social bookmarking sites. These are the natural and transparent ways to accomplish your refined customers directly.

Custom Reporting & Result Tracking

Reporting helps the website owners to know the performance periodically. We provide customized reporting for the clients to know about the performance charts on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis according to the client’s requirements. We offer to say for the analyzing part also that a client can understand the progress and know about the featured strategies.

We track the results according to the reporting, present our comments and strategies to move ahead, depending on the performance charts. We analyze, make a report, prepare plans, and perform expected benefits according to the result tracking.


Toputop has got an extending list of successful clients. Their success directly reflects our proficiency and potentiality. The unique working strategies have explored us to gain unique identification among the rivals. Our clients attest to our perfect plan of work that leads in the way of success. Our clientele exemplifies our committed plan of action that contributed to there and as well as our success.

Please contact us for client rankings and their success stories.

Do you need Marketing Ideas and Consulting? Want to work with us? Have questions? Please contact us.

Please email us at [email protected] or call us at +919848321284.

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