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Social Media Consultant

Social media is playing a significant role in marketing today. Marketers are approaching various social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and many other platforms used as a medium for brand management and advertising. Even many companies and topmost brands have succeeded in social media marketing. Social videos today are the most viral strategy many businesses follow online.

In this social media era, businesses and companies need a social media consultant to manage official accounts and campaigns because social media needs to be updated constantly, and fresh concepts must be introduced. It is challenging for companies to be concerned about only one thing at a time, as they have many other work concerns. So, a social media consultant will help companies, new startups, and brands manage positively, track their performance, and lead accordingly.

Social Media Consulting Services Includes:

Management of the Community

The community plays a central role in approaching consumers and the ideal audience online. The communities must be managed efficiently with positive exposure. The social media consultant manages the communities with different training sessions and coaching.

Monitoring the Analytics and Growth

Social media consultants manage your accounts, monitor company performance and growth effectively, and make a strategic plan for better online improvement. This helps the business to respond accordingly to analytic reports on audience engagement.

Regular Updates

A social media consultant will help you regularly update the posts on your company’s behalf and maintain the account by following the various tools and managing with an excellent reputation.

Social Media Optimization

SMO Builds Lasting Relationships through Communication

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is more than word-of-mouth marketing. Social Media sites as a tool to reach out to your audience has become a necessary extension of every business.

SMO creates an open line of communication with your clients, customers, and prospects; frankly, many expect your participation.

Through this open yet controlled interaction, you can discuss your products and services with the people directly involved in buying or selling them. Ultimately, Social Media is all about targeted discussion with invested participants.

Community-based sites, blogs, online videos, and other interactive forms of communication are continually changing and growing with their participants.

SMO uses that evolution to build your brand image by initiating a two-way conversation with the people most interested in what you do. And no matter what you do, the Internet will always play host to a group of people drawn to your buInternetEvery widget has an audience. Our Social Media Optimization services allow your business to speak to your audience.

Our SMO services include:

• Creating Social Media profiles (MySpace, Facebook, VIRB, etc)
• Writing and participating in Blogs
• Orchestrating RSS feeds
• Social Bookmarking
• Creating and monitoring message boards, forums, or other groups

Social Media Marketing in India

According to recent media reports, Indian organizations use social media much more than eir counterparts in emerging economies. Even in global terms, domestic companies in our country are far ahead of other competitors in the global market.

Through this study, the management consulting and research firm wanted to understand social media objectives, tactics, and departments that manage social media in Indian conditions. The study also wanted to know how organizations use social media marketing services to measure, budget, and analyze the agency environment.

Study Methodology and Results

They received 48 participants from professionals responsible for managing the digital outreaches of their respective organizations or brands. As expected, the study has thrown up some good insights, which are outlined below.

  • Most organizations in India use this medium to build communities. Some others use this medium to spread their news.
  • Facebook has become the most critical platform for marketers in India to engage customers. Twitter, YouTube, and blogs follow it.
  • Social media-savvy organizations have conducted campaigns to speed up brand building. To this end, they offer special favors to online fans.
  • Most Indian organizations or businesses use social media to promote advertisements, campaigns, and brand awareness. According to these companies, social media is beneficial for them.
  • Most businesses in our country measure social media efforts through platform-specific parameters. However, some are increasingly found to measure success regarding leads, sentiments, and brand visibility.
  • Almost half of the media-savvy social organizations surveyed spend 1-5% of their marketing budget on social media, with most budgets below Rs. 10 million. Marketing teams do most of the company’s campaigning.
  • Most media-savvy social organizations in India use standalone digital agencies compared to PR or advertisement agencies.
  • Social media-savvy organizations in India are very optimistic about the future.

Digital Asset Optimization

Search Engine Optimization + Social Media Optimization = Digital Asset Optimization

Digital Asset Optimization is also termed SEO 2.0 or next-generation SEO. With the changes in consumer preferences, search patterns, search engine algorithms, the evolution of new search channels, and social media releases, the demand for improvement in search engine optimization is rising to the next pace.

How different is DAO from SEO?

Search engine optimization primarily focuses on optimizing the website for indexing by search engine spiders, aligning content, keyword positioning, link building, link exchange, and many more to rank you high in the search results. These tactics will focus solely on web page optimization. The rising popularity of social media channels and content-sharing websites has created an opportunity for new ways of promoting your business.

Search patterns revealed that the users are more interested in the messages driven through interactive media like images, audio, video, podcasts, and widgets. Videos uploaded to services like YouTube will be crawled more frequently than videos uploaded to individual sites. Digital Asset management and optimization trespass of all the popular tools to let search engines know that your website has more than text.

Digital Asset Management includes clearly describing audio and video files, alternative text for images, widget titles, and sitemap optimization.

WWebsiteybody concentrates on content?

Consumers wish to see more content in different formats so that they can make smarter decisions about purchasing a product/service. Search engines demand more content because it provides them with added inventory from which they can manage advertisements. Internet marketing firms want their clients to publish excess content to captivate increased search traffic and sales.

Advantages of DAO

• Rich multimedia indexing
• Improved page rank
• Amplified site traffic
• Targeted audience
• Increased customer insight
• Increased backlinks

Toputop facilitates you with a seamless Digital Asset Optimization strategy to stay on top of new advent trends and intensify visitor frequency and traffic to your website.

Social Media Marketing Strategy and Research

Market Research helps in building an efficient Marketing strategy

With technology reaching new heights, we can witness the development of efficient marketing tools, which will help to evaluate website sentiment and provide decisive insights for marketers to develop a perTechnologyting strategy. The present-day marketing is demanding innovation to achieve the best output and maximize the ROI.

Don’t just rely on old Marketing Techniques! Update your strategies

Time and again, the majority of companies face the demand to update their marketing strategies as per the evolving changes in the market. If companies rely too much on old strategies, the brand will perish from the modern-day market. It is important to integrate your marketing strategies with modern technologies to acquire data and improve the marketing strategies to improve the ROI.

Whether traditional or digital marketing, data insights are vital in budgetary decisions regarding marketing strategy, previous marketing performances, and current market sentiment, which will be considered when designing a perfect marketing strategy to boost the organization’s sales and leads.

With TopUTop on the cards, there will be one less thing to worry about regarding marketing research and strategies for your organizations. There will be an added value for your organization with the experience we bring in with our marketing strategists. Our strategists are out there in the market and know how to bring the best out of any market for any product/service under the provided circumstances.

Experience matters when Data analysis comes into picture

Data analysis in marketing certainly requires experience in the various aspects of marketing and its behavior. TopUTop gives that advantage to companies with experienced marketers on their teams.
Before kick-starting any marketing strategy, companies should invest in market research to acquire maximum profits from the marketing strategy. Join your hands with TopUTop and optimize your marketing strategies to beat the competition and conquer the market.

Blogging Services

Build your online presence with Business Blogging…

Why go for Blogging?

Many customers review the feedback, generate content, and share their opinions online. You are creating a business blog and updating it with its new features, product listings with the latest products, etc. It’s about the comp company product information and cogn cognitive act on your brand. InBloggininacquisitivenrs will be. InBlogginin,ggersbloggersofferings over your competition.

Blogging is one of the best online marketing strategies for speaking with your audience. Trust is a valuable commodity in online marketing, and blogs help you build a trust bank.

We assist you with the following blog services:

• Blog Creation / Setup
• Blog Maintenance
• Blog Submission
• Blog Marketing
• Blog Syndication

How different is TopuTop in terms of providing blogging services?

• Makes simple
• Complete control over your blog
• It is easy for users to locate your blog
• Adds the look and feel to your blog
• Customized for your business needs
• Advertise your products and increase traffic to your website through Blogs.

Of all the above, we keep you a step ahead in customer service with new features, functionality, and technology.

Choose your purpose for Blogging… MediaWebsitehing, Search engine optimization, Customer service, Customer loyalty, Brand building, Group communications, Customer acquisition, Customer retention, ProdTechnologypment, Product launch, Project management or any other requirements for the need of blogging; TopuTop sBloggingth the best blogging solutions for all your communication needs. Our expertise will help you earn a brand reputation and expand your reach by saving time and money.

Effective tackling of Blogging will make you productive and turn your marketing investment to mBlogintongnue.

Social Media PR and Communications

As a Branding Agency, we take our PR seriously. And yours, too. We provide several services that make your public relations and communications a breeze.

Competitors & InBloggingnalysis :

Analyzing your competitors and keeping track of their every development would help every business. Hire us, and we’ll show you how easy it is.

Consumer Public Relations :

Consumer PR is not the easiest thing when modes of communication are rapidly shifting bases. Our years of experience in branding and web interfaces make us the forerunners of PR in the internet sphere.

Corporate Public Relations :

From projecting the right image to making the right moves in an environment shifting towards instant sharing, it is one of the challenges corporates face today. At TopuTop, we realize these challenges and help you prep for the right moments to say the right thing on the platform.

Corporate Reputation Management :

Reputation management involves several steps, including monitoring online traffic, conversations on social networks, and the prevention of inflammatory content from spreading on the Internet. We at TopuTop are experts at observing traffic and telInternet exactly when your target segment or competitors are talking about you.

Copywriting :

Our content and copywriters are well-versed in providing reader-friendly, exciting content for your web marketing purposes. SEO copywriting, Social Media content, web copywriting, and product release writing are some of the forms of writing that are evolving with the Internet marketing revolution, and our writers are creative enough to handle any challenge.

Social Media Podcasting

Visualize your marketing message..! Interact creatively with your audience..!

Give life to your thoughts..!

Toputop guides you through the new lucrative and innovative internet marketing techniques for delivering the message to a niche audience. One creative means of communicating is through social media marketing, which is called Podcasting. It can be Audio or Video Podcasting. With this, the marketing message can be conveyed to iPods and MP3 players, making it compatible with all Podcatchers.

Distinct Podcast Applications we provide

• Music Promotions
• E-Learning
• Audio and video guides
• Business communications
• Product promotions
• Audiobooks
• Conference presentations

Benefits you can avail yourself from Podcasting services

• Targeted audience from all search engines, audio/video sharing websites, Podcast directories
• Engages the prospects with significant niche products, brands, topics, and press releases
• No geographical boundaries
• Boosts up brand awareness
• Memory retention
• Establishes and fortifies a lasting relationship with the listeners
• Prevents spamming
• Inexpensive medium for viral distribution of messages through the web.

Topshop offers a full range of podcast services, including programming, scripting, production, hosting, promotion, and delivery via the major podcatchers to help you reach your audience through media. We help you hit your potential through the best social media marketing and communication tools.

Social Media Agency

Social media has taken the world of the Internet by storm. It started as a meeting point for like-minInternetle to share their views and content for the common good. Now, the business world has descended into this social media space to maximize its approach over the internet. Companies have created effective campaigns on the Internet by posting relevant content to their pages so that social media users can see what they have to offer. Social Media Company understands the importance of social media platforms in increasing brand visibility.

Expertise in Social Media

Do you want to maximize the Return on Investment (ROI) and save time? If yes, you need to avail yourself of the service of a social media consultant to optimize your site’s exposure. There are several reasons for that. This is where the role of Social Media Company comes in. Whenever you create a website, you would like to implement Google SEO techniques to make its visibility very high in the Internet environment. Leveraging the power of Social Media platforms, we make your content easily shareable across the social web. There are many options available today where customers can view your content. Our SEO and social media experts help you drive as much traffic as possible to your website. This will make the people go through creative content and attractive designs you have designed for them.

How Do We Do That?

Firstly, we help you create engaging content and website design for your site. Later, we link these features to social media to make them visible in every widget, application, and social media entry point people may use in their daily visits. This enables you to have the desired views for your brand.

Our Social Media Services are listed below.

  • We integrate social media into your Website.
  • We set up and configured social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and other Web 2.0 websites.
  • Later, we link Social Media accounts together for greater Websitency
  • We help you set the blog up on WordPress, Blogger, and other CMS platforms. Later, we design and optimize the blog on these platforms for optimum results.
  • We help you customize your Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube channel, and Google+ page.
  • We provide you with a robust widget development strategy.
  • With our expertise, we help you promote your brand and build a customer base.
  • We create and promote videos for better search engine rankings and targeted traffic to your website.
  • We conduct the targeted PPC campaigns across all the social networks.
  • We conduct viral marketing.

Do you need Marketing Ideas and Consulting? Want to work with us? Have questions? Please contact us.

Please email us at [email protected] or call us at +919848321284.

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